It is hard to believe that I started Ambrose Landscape Photography over 15 years ago.  It was then that I published my first online gallery, followed by my pseudo physical gallery (think REI).  Looking back, so many things have changed!  Back then I was still shooting transparency film, viewed my website on a Netscape browser, and the Y2K scare was still a real concern.  Technology has dramatically changed through the last 15 years, as has my photographic style.  Even today I continue to push my own limits, try different styles, cameras, methods, all in an effort to hopefully progress and evolve my photography. The one thing that has not changed through the years is my passion for wild places, wild adventures, and capturing those special moments that nature offers us…if we just keep our eyes open to see them.  Whether shooting still photographs, time lapse, or tinkering with films, I remain in awe of this amazing world that surrounds us.

As I reflect on thousands of photographs through the years I am keenly aware that each image has a story behind it.  As I sift through old images, and capture new ones along the way I thought I would start a new “series” and share with you the brief “story behind the image.”

So to kick this whole thing off I thought I would share an image taken a few days ago.  It was extremely windy here in the Wasatch Mountains with a storm bearing down upon us.  Autumn color was in full force, but rapidly dwindling from the onslaught of wind.  As I set up to capture some of the colorful leaves I was quickly frustrated as I could not get a sharp image.  I have learned through the years to embrace the power of nature, and never to fight it, or try and control it.  With those thoughts, I let the frustration melt away and tried to capture the moment that was being presented.  Leaves blowing in the wind….this is what came out.