I stare out the window to see the pine trees violently dancing in the wind, and succumb to the reality of yet another un-flyable day.  It has been nearly two weeks since my feet have been off the ground, and they are starting to bruise.  In fact, over the last few years I am not sure I have ever gone two weeks without flying…and my soul is feeling it.  As I reflect on the last several weeks as I browse through some footage I now realize, the last week of October clearly marked the official end of the autumn flying season….and what a week it was as we spent every day flying across the Wasatch in those light thermal bubbles.

Although sad to see the warm XC days come to an end, I know that winter offers its own gems to be found in the sky.  There is nothing quite like the calm, smooth days of winter mountain air that can make you smile.  As the cold, dirty inversions of the Salt Lake winter set in I look skyward in hopes of new memories yet to be had amidst these wintery Wasatch skies.  I hope to see you above the inversion line.